Daily Email Archive

It’s not the dang wheel…

Reinvent your people – not the “wheel” Remember the covered wagon in the Oregon Trail game on the Apple II from 1984? And all the struggles and mishaps? Like dysentery and death? Ah, the heartache of a simple 8-bit game…

Sue vs. Not Sue…

The new law in business is “general agreement.” Roughly translated as “enforcement is more expensive than moving on with your life.” An E.L. (aka Engagement Letter) is only enforceable to the point that one or both of the parties have…

Putting tools over teams…

Management by text message is playing to the strength of the tool – not the team. When friction creeps up in your communication, it might be that your tools have come between you and your team. If you’ve ever had…

It doesn’t have to be lonely at the top…

Founders and Owners have lots of people around them, but relatively few of whom they can share the FULL details of “how the sausage is made.” Significant others, spouses and friends can listen but sometimes venting to them creates even more stress.…